The ancient healing practise of Acupuncture, Acupressure and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been used for thousands of years to treat and correct many health conditions. It is a complex healing model that is based on the understanding that throughout the body there is an invisible energy called Qi, that runs through channels called meridians. At times this Qi may become blocked, stagnant or altered, this then leads to disharmony and disease.
Acupressure, as the name suggests, is the use of pressure to effect the same Acu-points that we address in the practice of this healing medicine. As a Massage Therapist with over 20 years experience I have developed the ability to palpate (feel) for heat, cold and the texture of the acu-points in the body. Acupressure is often included in a Massage therapy session, much like trigger point therapy. Through this process of applying Acupressure I can feel the breaking down of blockages and the movement of Qi within the meridian.
Acupressure clears blockages, soothes the Qi and promotes circulation of healthy Qi to relieve the diseased state.
There are a variety of factors that can affect homeostasis within the human body, these include your emotions- fear, joy, worry, grief and anger, your environment and lifestyle- such as the weather, your work, diet and exercise approaches, and of course, acquired illness, such as viruses.
We consider your constitution, the strength of your inherited Qi, your spirit or Shen and your capacity for healing and your ability to influence your own healing momentum.
Your body and spirit are an extraordinary team that have the capacity for incredible healing and health when working harmoniously. It is our aim to support and restore this harmony.
During the treatment I look, listen and hear what you and your body are telling us through pulse, tongue, palpatory and verbal enquiry. I apply Acupressure to treat a myriad of health conditions and injuries, most often in conjunction with Massage Therapy, and occasionally with Naturopathy and/or Herbs.
Acupressure is part of a system of Medicine that has the capacity to move your body in the direction towards optimal health. Contact me today to discuss how your health concern may be helped with Acupressure, Massage Therapy, Moxibustion and/or Herbs.
Acupressure points for Anxiety, Immunity and Energy
Acupressure is a simple, safe way to give quick relief from feelings of anxiousness, as well as increasing smooth movement of qi and blood throughout the body to increase energy and immunity.
A brief massage of the Acupressure points can be administered anywhere at any time, and what better time to start using this technique than at home in lockdown mode.
When identifying the point to be massaged you will often find that it is tender and tense or that it may ache, this is normal and it will often pass during the application of pressure.
Remember, it is not an endurance or test of strength game, a firm pressure that neither feels ticklish or painful is perfect, it is often described as a good pain, such as when you rub an aching muscle to make it feel better.
2-3 minutes is enough for any one point, alternatively the point can be tapped gently for 2-3 minutes to encourage blood flow and the free flowing of qi to and through the area.
I encourage you to look up the names of these points and look at their location. This will give you a clear picture of where they are instead of my anatomical directions. There are many pictures online that will make it easy to find them.
The following may be useful:
Tanzhong- CV17: The Sea of Tranquillity. Helps to promote a feeling of calm and relieve feelings of anxiety and panic.
Shenmen- HT7: Spirit Gate. Helps to relieve stress, anxiety, panic and insomnia.
Benshen- GB13: Spirit Root. Helps to calm the mind and relieve anxiety due to constant worry and fixed thoughts.
Zusanli- ST36: Leg Three Mile. This is an often used, very important point. Use to boost immunity, improve digestion, energy and relieve mild depression.
Shufu- KD27: Shu Mansion. Helps to relax breathing, fatigue and lowered immunity.
These acu-points have been used for thousands of years and are used alongside modern medicine in hospitals all around the world. They are easily applied at home.
There are also many more that may be useful and specific to you, research and find those that feel like the best points or combination of points for you and incorporate acupressure or tapping into your daily health routine.
Acupressure, as the name suggests, is the use of pressure to effect the same Acu-points that we address in the practice of this healing medicine. As a Massage Therapist with over 20 years experience I have developed the ability to palpate (feel) for heat, cold and the texture of the acu-points in the body. Acupressure is often included in a Massage therapy session, much like trigger point therapy. Through this process of applying Acupressure I can feel the breaking down of blockages and the movement of Qi within the meridian.
Acupressure clears blockages, soothes the Qi and promotes circulation of healthy Qi to relieve the diseased state.
There are a variety of factors that can affect homeostasis within the human body, these include your emotions- fear, joy, worry, grief and anger, your environment and lifestyle- such as the weather, your work, diet and exercise approaches, and of course, acquired illness, such as viruses.
We consider your constitution, the strength of your inherited Qi, your spirit or Shen and your capacity for healing and your ability to influence your own healing momentum.
Your body and spirit are an extraordinary team that have the capacity for incredible healing and health when working harmoniously. It is our aim to support and restore this harmony.
During the treatment I look, listen and hear what you and your body are telling us through pulse, tongue, palpatory and verbal enquiry. I apply Acupressure to treat a myriad of health conditions and injuries, most often in conjunction with Massage Therapy, and occasionally with Naturopathy and/or Herbs.
Acupressure is part of a system of Medicine that has the capacity to move your body in the direction towards optimal health. Contact me today to discuss how your health concern may be helped with Acupressure, Massage Therapy, Moxibustion and/or Herbs.
Acupressure points for Anxiety, Immunity and Energy
Acupressure is a simple, safe way to give quick relief from feelings of anxiousness, as well as increasing smooth movement of qi and blood throughout the body to increase energy and immunity.
A brief massage of the Acupressure points can be administered anywhere at any time, and what better time to start using this technique than at home in lockdown mode.
When identifying the point to be massaged you will often find that it is tender and tense or that it may ache, this is normal and it will often pass during the application of pressure.
Remember, it is not an endurance or test of strength game, a firm pressure that neither feels ticklish or painful is perfect, it is often described as a good pain, such as when you rub an aching muscle to make it feel better.
2-3 minutes is enough for any one point, alternatively the point can be tapped gently for 2-3 minutes to encourage blood flow and the free flowing of qi to and through the area.
I encourage you to look up the names of these points and look at their location. This will give you a clear picture of where they are instead of my anatomical directions. There are many pictures online that will make it easy to find them.
The following may be useful:
Tanzhong- CV17: The Sea of Tranquillity. Helps to promote a feeling of calm and relieve feelings of anxiety and panic.
Shenmen- HT7: Spirit Gate. Helps to relieve stress, anxiety, panic and insomnia.
Benshen- GB13: Spirit Root. Helps to calm the mind and relieve anxiety due to constant worry and fixed thoughts.
Zusanli- ST36: Leg Three Mile. This is an often used, very important point. Use to boost immunity, improve digestion, energy and relieve mild depression.
Shufu- KD27: Shu Mansion. Helps to relax breathing, fatigue and lowered immunity.
These acu-points have been used for thousands of years and are used alongside modern medicine in hospitals all around the world. They are easily applied at home.
There are also many more that may be useful and specific to you, research and find those that feel like the best points or combination of points for you and incorporate acupressure or tapping into your daily health routine.