Acupuncture is a healing technique that uses very fine needles to influence the movement of qi and blood in the body in order to restore and maintain homeostasis and optimal health.
Acupuncture is an ancient, eastern medicine, healing tool that has been used for thousands of years to treat and correct many health conditions. It is based on the theory that throughout the body there is an invisible energy called Qi that runs through channels called meridians. At times this Qi may become blocked, stagnant or altered, this then leads to disharmony and disease. Acupuncture seeks to clear blockages, soothe the Qi and promote circulation of healthy Qi to relieve the diseased state. We look at the organs in a slightly different way to Western Medical Science (WMS) and associate paired organs with channels that run throughout the body, when I assess your pulse before each treatment I am "listening" for the interaction of these organs in your body. For example the pairing of organs are as follows-
Liver - Gall Bladder
Heart - Small Intestine
Spleen - Stomach
Lung - Large Intestine
Kidneys - Urinary Bladder
There are a variety of factors that can affect homeostasis within the human body, these include your emotions- fear, joy, worry, grief and anger, your environment and lifestyle- such as the weather, your work, diet and exercise approaches, and of course acquired illness, such as viruses. We consider your constitution, the strength of your inherited Qi, your spirit or Shen and your capacity for healing and your ability to influence your own healing momentum. Your body and spirit are an extraordinary team that have the capacity for incredible healing and health when working harmoniously. It is our aim to support and restore this harmony. At Rana Health we practise many methods and styles of Acupuncture. We apply a hands-on approach that uses gentle, virtually pain-free needling techniques, heat treatments (moxibustion) and cupping. We look, listen and hear what you and your body are telling us through pulse, tongue, palpatory and verbal enquiry. We apply Acupuncture to treat a myriad of health conditions and injuries, either on its own or in conjunction with other natural therapies, such as Massage and/or Herbs. Acupressure is used as an alternative to Acupuncture. I understand that not everyone likes to have needling therapy so I use my many years of experience as a Massage Therapist to gently massage the Acu-points of the meridian channels to reduce blockages that may be be causing you pain and poor health. Acupuncture is part of a system of Medicine that has the capacity to move your body in the direction towards optimal health. Contact me today to discuss how your health concern may be helped with Acupuncture, Moxibustion and/or Herbs.
Moxibustion is an external healing method used as part of, or as a treatment on its own, Acupuncture sessions. It uses ground, dried mugwort leaves too warm an acupoint and/or meridian channel so that balance of the physical function of the body can be adjusted. It may be used directly on the skin in the form of a cone or rice grain sized moxa, or indirectly with other mediums, such as ginger, garlic or salt. It may be smokeless or pure moxa, and is commonly used to warm a needle head, or with a moxa stick to warm a meridian. Occasionally there may be scarring moxa, or moxa cones that help to reduce swelling and pain.
There are many indications for the use of moxibustion and it has been used for centuries as part of a holistic treatment approach. It may help to turn breech babies, soothe an upset stomach, relieve arthritis and reduce swelling and relieve pain. It is often used in menstrual or fertility concerns and is fantastic for increasing energy levels and general malaise. And, of course, its warming properties are fantastic for clearing cold from the body.